I included all the code above to the "go" script. The first three lines are only needed at the first boot time, after that only the fourth line will be triggered. & tar -C / -zxvf /boot/packages/ssh/ & /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start

& /etc/rc.d/rc.sshd start & tar -zcvf /boot/packages/ssh/ /etc/ssh You have to launch the SSH daemon server on boot, saving the key for further boots. = with unRaid 5.04 I used the following rather than the above older packages = installpkg /boot/packages/openssl-0.9.8n-i486-1.txz Installpkg /boot/packages/openssl-0.9.8i-i486-1.tgz If your version is older than 4.5.5, put those three packages under " /boot/packages" and add these lines into your "go" script: If you have unRAID version 4.5.5 or above running, just put the three packages above into the "extra" folder on the flash drive (" /boot/extra"). Windows and Linux versions of CrashPlan, found here.cpio, SSH and OpenSSL packages for Slackware 12.X, found here, here and here.Access to a Windows machine with CrashPlan installed (we just want the client!).You WILL need to change it via the GUI after you have logged in, and then re-tar the package after you save the settings
The install location specified during the command line install is NOT respected.Consider this a first pass, we can improve it with feedback and more testing when time allows.My unRAID is quite tweaked so you might need *more* packages than I list below.You do need a couple of packages installed on unRAID to satisfy.This hasn't been tested thoroughly in terms of clients being happy.Here is a very quick and rough guide to getting this going. Some instructions for installing CrashPlan with unMENU (posted March 1, 2011) can also be found in the unRAID forums.

7 Configuring the CrashPlan engine from a Windows Machine.5.1 = with unRaid 5.04 I used the following rather than the above older packages =.