You can track your budget performance in a number of ways- through the Budget Bars on the Moneydance home page, through the Budget sidebar report, through reports, or using the Budget Status graph visible at the top of the of your Moneydance window. HOME PAGE This is an overview of your finances. Use the categories you created in step 3 to set your income and expense items. Moneydance is a complete personal financial management application that includes features such as online banking, online bill payment, investment management, budget tracking, scheduled transactions, check printing, detailed graphs, reports and much more. Step 2 The Online Banking Signup window will appear. Step 1 With your Checking Account open, select Actions and then Set Up Online Banking. To set up the online banking feature, start by opening your checking account. If your bank is not currently supported, contact us to see if we can begin doing so.īuild a budget. One of the newest features of Moneydance is its online banking capabilities. You may need to Enable Direct Connections with your bank before you can connect with your bank through Moneydance. It's important not to delete categories which have transactions associated with them, as this will delete those transactions. You can always add categories at a later point. It's generally easier to delete categories you won't be using.
With online banking, online bill payment, investment management and budgeting, Moneydance provides all the features of Quicken plus benefits such as ease of use and no sunsetting of features. To create, edit, or delete accounts go to the Tools->Categories menu. Moneydance is a powerful yet easy to use personal finance app for Mac, Windows, Linux, iPhone and iPad. This value cannot be changed once you've entered a transaction in the account. It's also VERY important to choose the currency associated with each account (if different from the currency of your data file). When you want to connect whichever account type.

This number should be the balance of each account immediately before the date you chose in step 1. Bank accounts Credit Card Accounts Investment Accounts Asset Accounts Liability Accounts Loan Accounts.
With Direct Connect, your passwords are stored locally on your computer and are only sent to the bank when a download is requested. It allows installed apps, such as Moneydance or Quicken, to directly talk to the bank's server and retrieve any new transactions. When you create your accounts you should enter the Initial Balance (or Debt) for each account. This is a standardised communication protocol that many banks support. To create, edit, or delete accounts, go to the Tools->Accounts menu. If you're importing data from another personal finance program, check out the Importing Data from other programs section of our knowledge base. Moneydance lets you pay bills from its platform using Direct Connect the same program that Quicken and Quickbooks use. If you're starting from scratch you'll need to decide when to start Some people will choose the date they begin using Moneydance, some people will choose the first date of that month, some may choose the first day of the year, some will import data from another program.
You can find the full Moneydance user guide here.ĭecide whether to start from scratch or import data from another program. Learn more about your online financial management with Bank. It's not necessary to do these steps in order, or even to do them all, but they're a good starting point. Your financial management is simplified with MyPortfolio, Quickbooks, & Quicken Direct Connect. While everyone manages their finances differently, there are some steps which are fairly universal. We encourage you to clarify this information with your bank.Getting started with Moneydance can be easy. Please note that some banks charge for the ability to use their banking services in this way. Some banks support online bill payment and transaction downloading while others provide only downloading capabilities. While Moneydance has a single program with a one-time fee that gives you access to the program for life, Quicken offers three different plan levels, each with an annual fee. Moneydance can connect to the following financial institutions using the OFX (Open Financial Exchange) online banking protocol.