Despite having been broken - giving it a striking resemblance to the Broken Straight Sword - it is still gigantic.
BFS: He single-handedly wields a broken, chipped, and rusted version of the Executioner's Greatsword, a weapon once used for executions. The Berserker: During the first phase of his boss fight, he's constantly on the attack and making animalistic snarls and roars the whole time. Lightning becomes a stage hazard in the third. Battle in the Rain: In the second stage of his boss fight, a thunderstorm starts up. Battle Aura: In the second stage of his boss fight, the Dark Soul activates and he becomes wreathed in a red-and-black haze. Barrier-Busting Blow: His attacks can shatter the Pygmy Lords' thrones when they hit. Justified, as the Dark Soul is one of the pieces of the First Flame, and as he just gained the power, he isn't weakened from age or otherwise fading power the gods suffered. Pound for pound being a far greater threat than the Nameless King or Soul of Cinder, both of whom were (or comprised of) gods during the first Age of Fire. Dark moonlight midir full#
Empowered Badass Normal: After consuming the Dark Soul, he gains power equal to that of the gods at full strength.As a slave knight, he and his lot were literally used as cannon fodder. Badass Normal: Besides being able to use a spell not seen since Dark Souls 1, there isn't much particularly special about him.In the second stage of his boss fight, it becomes animated and can be used to attack the Ashen One. Badass Cape: He wears a tattered red cloak with a hood that covers his face.However, The Ashen One can subvert this posthumously in that taking the Blood of The Dark Soul to The Painter is purely optional and they are not obligated to return to Ariendel before reaching The Kiln of The First Flame.
However, he ultimately does succeed in that he intended to perish at the hands of The Ashen One, in order for his Dark Soul-tainted blood to be taken to the Painter as pigment for a whole new Painted World.
The Bad Guy Wins: Zigzagged in an Anti-Villain sense Gael suffers dearly by the end of his journey, losing both his sanity and his life all in the name of his goals. Automatic Crossbows: Carries one which can be transposed from his boss soul it was customized to face mobs and fires as fast as a machine gun, but it's horribly brittle and worn. Attack Its Weak Point: Staggering him by hitting him in the head will leave him open for a riposte. Assist Character: Can be summoned for assistance against Sister Friede (if you haven't completed the Ringed City DLC yet) and the Demon Prince. Ascended Extra: From a minor NPC and summon to the absolute Final Boss of the series. Anthropomorphic Personification: Consuming the Dark Souls of the Pygmy Lords in The Ringed City transforms Gael into a living manifestation of Dark itself-to the point where when he Turns Red, the sky becomes overwhelmed with darkness. In doing this, however, he discovers that the wielders of the Dark Soul, the Pygmy Lords, have gotten so old that their blood has dried-and driven mad by this revelation, Gael takes it upon himself to consume the Dark Soul directly from the lords' bodies, becoming a cannibalistic monstrosity corrupted by the same darkness that took Manus and Artorias. Anti-Villain: Gael's ultimate goal is to create a new Painted World using the Dark Soul itself as pigment, and he does this largely out of his concern for those outcast from the natural world. The Dark Soul hollows him completely at the start of his second stage, making him vulnerable to the Hollowslayer Greatsword. It's a simple resin you most likely never used elsewhere.
Yes, the best weapon buff vs Gael as a boss isn't the famed Darkmoon Blade or Lightning Blade miracles, or even the Crystal Magic Weapon sorcery. He can be summoned for the main boss fight, but only appears during the second phase.
He carries with him the rotted scrap of an ancient painting, seeking Ash to bring flame to the world within the canvas.
A decrepit old man found praying in the Cleansing Chapel after the Deacons of the Deep have been defeated.